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Mishloach Manot 2025

Share the Joy of Purim
Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025*

*Gifts confirmed after deadline of February 28, missed the cutoff date to be included in the printed program included in each bag, but will be included in sponsor list emailed to congregation following Purim.


Sending Mishloach Manot (Purim Gifts) has been a tradition at Beth El for many years and is one of the four mitzvot of Purim.

Please support this wonderful program by sponsoring our Purim gifts project. Every sponsorship level will help send a "Taste of Israel" Mishloach Manot package to every household in the entire congregation, clergy, staff and ECC. Sponsorship levels start at $36.

NEW THIS YEAR: All sponsors will receive a bonus Beth El gift!

Sponsorship levels: $36, $54, $72, $180, $360 and $450. Name(s) will be listed by sponsorship level in each bag.

Please also indicate if you are able to pick up your gift or need to have it delivered, and if you are able to help with deliveries.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Marissa Kimmel, Engagement Director (856-520-8742 or 


Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785