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HHD Appeal 2023 / 5784

High Holiday Appeal

2023 * 5784

This is OUR Shul!

The role of the synagogue in Jewish life is unique. It connects you to the roots from which you come, it connects you to a community that cares, and it's the place that will teach your children and grandchildren about the importance of goodness. Most importantly, the synagogue and its teaching help you to get more meaning out of life at every stage of your own personal development throughout your lifelong journey.

Day in and day out we are journeying together; lifting up one another, serving Gd and our community. We're all in this together. At this very special and holy time of year we invite you to make a special gift: one that will enable Beth El to continue its mission to provide for the spiritual, educational, cultural, and social needs of our sacred community.

Please make a donation that feels meaningful to you. Thank you for your generosity.

We are excited to announce that Donna & Rick Forman and Family have generously increased their support this year to match $118,000 of the contributions made to the High Holiday Appeal.

Congregation Beth El is an exempt organization as described in section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, all charitable contributions to Beth El are 100% tax deductible.

If you have already submitted your High Holiday Appeal Pledge Card, the amount pledged has been added to your bill. Please make your payment through your account to avoid being billed twice.

Shomrim is a dues-inclusive program designed to allow benefactors to commit one time during the year to support the annual activities and operational needs of Beth El. Please select the option below for Shomrim if you would like us to contact you. Click HERE to learn more about Shomrim.

In addition to cash, Beth El gladly accepts gifts of appreciated securities, IRA charitable rollovers, and bequests. If you would like to discuss designating Beth El in your estate planning, please select the option for Life & Legacy. Click HERE to learn more about Life & Legacy.

Community Partnerships are designed to connect our members and local business to Beth El in an effort to raise funds on an annual basis and to engage members of our community. Click HERE for information on Community Partnerships.

For more information, please contact Development & Membership Director, Roberta S. Clark at

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784