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Elul Illuminations

KaHaL presents Elul Illuminations
Tuesdays, August 27, September 3, 10, 17

Prepare your soul for the High Holidays with Beth El Clergy.

  • August 27 with Rabbi Nogah Marshall - 100 Times A Day: What Psalm 27 Teaches Us About Reciting 100 Blessings a Day
  • September 3 with Rabbi Sam Hollander - Zichronot: Does God have Selective Memory?
  • September 10 with Rabbi David Englander - Nine Things I Love About Kol Nidre… and One Thing I Don’t
  • September 17 with Hazzan Alisa Pomerantz-Boro - Help! I Can’t Read Hebrew and Don’t Know What To Do!

Free for Beth El members, $36 for non-members

Sponsored in memory of Elaine Greenspan z"l

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784